I have all of the alerts typed up, and I will have this out by tonight... I will be working against the clock to get this out to YouTube, and am looking forward to you guys and gals feedback...
For those who are curious about the location, there will be 3 {I will throw out 3 random athletes or city traditions/locations and will leave you guessing as to where it will be}
Nikola Jokic, James Harden, Damien Lillard...
there you go, now its up to you to guess where this scenario will be mwuahahahhaa!!
For those who don't know what in the hell strangelets are, here is an article describing what they are...
I am sure you guys may know since the content in the EAS Community has shied away from traditional topics (zombies, tornadoes, nukes, etc. you get the idea), but for those who don't or would like a refresher, that is some of the background I came from when creating this scenario...
A special thanks to ExitMundi for providing all of these ideas for scenario, because after the Walking Dead / Fear the Walking Dead mega-scenario, I have just dried up with ideas XD...
That's all I have, see you there!

Brand new EAS scenario idea! It's called "Disasters from the Underworld" it's the end of us all! A E.F. 97 hits New England Nuclear Plant! New York, Denver, San Fransisco and Lansing all of them are Radioactivity Warning The tornado goes across the U.S. spreading the radioactive uranium. But in The Philppines a Tsunami sunk all the islands. Manila Tsunami Warning in English and Filipino. And the end of the world. A 10 km meteor hits Moscow. Global Alert NASA finds it and the people at NASA say Earth will perish from the Moscow Meteor. The final alert gets sent out and it's over. Earth is gone.